The dualistic concepts of the Neo-Spiritual Healing Community

Neo-spiritual community

The dualistic concepts of the Neo-Spiritual Healing Community.

An explanation of Energy, Vibration, and Frequency.

In the Neo-Spiritual Healing Community I read over and over again, that we must raise our frequency or vibrate high, which is supposed to be ”good” and ”bad” is being low frequency or low vibration.
This dualistic concept of putting quality onto something neutral is a fatal error.
So many in the Neo-Spiritual Healing Community believe in this nonsense and the worst is, that they don’t even understand the terminology they use.

99% don’t know at all the meaning of frequency. They all just believe and have opinions, but are too lazy to do the little homework and actually study what it is and means.

Frequency is nothing!

It also has no quality to it.
High and low are relations to a state of neutrality or normal.
Frequency means, how often something happens in time. You can measure it in different units, depending on the time scale.

Sound waves for example are measured per second, so we use the unit Hertz(Hz), musical tempo is measured in Beats per Minute.
If someone in the Neo-Spiritual Healing Community says,
”We must get into a higher frequency to raise our consciousness”,
then you should ask ” Which frequency?”.

Frequency of what?

Frequency is something unique to every element and does never change.
It’s like a phone number. If you change it you never reach the person you want to reach.

I was reading nonsense about emotions having a singular frequency.
This is wrong!
Emotions are feelings and feelings are a chemical cocktail produced by your body. Chemicals are made of molecules and these are made of elements, so every single emotion has probably thousands, maybe millions, or billions of frequencies to it.

Article about “Love: A Cocktail of Chemicals”

Neuroscience article by: Nick Bitterlich

Quote: Love is a sensation most people have experienced in one form or another; be it from loving a significant other, one’s parents, or a best friend. An array of feelings is associated with love, commonly including exhilaration, euphoria, a racing heart, anxiety, or “butterflies”. Scientists have been questioning the nature of the process for decades, having reached no precise answer to this day. What does go on behind the scenes is a fascinating interplay of hormonal reactions: a cocktail of chemicals.

URL to the article:

Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norepinephrine: The Three Major Stress Hormones, Explained

Klein, S. (2013). The 3 Major Stress Hormones, Explained. [online] HuffPost. Available at:

It’s a symphony!

Now let’s get to vibration.

Vibration is a physical movement of matter. Nothing else can vibrate.
If you want to vibrate higher and think that’s good, then imagine what will happen to your cells if you vibrate them higherThey will either burst or collapse and you will die. High vibrational states of body cells is creating heat and that’s called fever. If you raise it you die.

What’s really good is the NATURAL state of NORMALITY or let’s call it neutrality.

If your cells vibrate in their perfect natural way, your physical state is at its best.

The concept of the Neo-Spiritual Healing Community of low being bad and high being good.

Frequency is no vibration and also no energy.
Dear Neo-Spiritual Healing Community, please do your homework, stop believing and start knowing.
It would greatly help the community on this planet if you drop your fairy tales and come over to the real magical world of science.
I also ”believe” in the meta dimensions and have an opinion about it, but translating these concepts into the physical world has fatal consequences.
I don’t take the magic away, I am sorting out the mess and clearing up the false beliefs.

The Dualistic Mind and the Neo-Spiritual Healing Community

It likes to put quality onto neutral things.
These concepts of Good being for example High, White, and Bright or Bad are believed to be Low, Black, or Dark.

Get rid of this nonsense!

In the Neo-Spiritual Healing Community, there are countless articles shared, which are packed with this nonsense and recently I was reading one which mentioned also the COVID virus.
It stated that the virus has a frequency of about 5 Hz and would die if you increase the frequency to 25 Hz.
If 5Hz is the frequency of this virus, then increasing the frequency would result in nothing. It’s like calling the wrong phone number.
If you want to destroy anything by using its own resonance frequency, you apply the exact frequency (5Hz in this case) and then you increase the energy.
You raise the amplitude (intensity) of the exact same frequency (5 times per second) and then you will reach the point when the virus would burst.
It’s like bursting a wine glass by singing the exact resonance frequency of the glass and if you sing loud enough, it bursts. Louder means more energy and not a change in tone frequency.

Energy, Vibration, and Frequency

The trinity of very different meanings.
Don’t mix it up. Energy is not a vibration and it’s not a frequency.
Questions about elevating consciousness are not at all related to high frequencies or vibrations.
Consciousness is awareness and knowledge. You can reach that by doing actual homework and studying facts instead of collecting opinions and beliefs.
Beliefs belong to religions and should stay in the churches. Opinions are strong beliefs, but knowledge is about unchangeable facts.
Natural parameters for example and the mathematical ratios like the golden ratio, solfeggio, and so forth, which is the language of nature and definition of beauty and harmony.
Dear Neo-Spiritual Healing Community, please get rid of this ”high and low” nonsense and start to think about natural, neutral, and normal.

Balance means centred and that is a normal natural state, as everything was created.

What needs to change is not any vibration or frequency, but the transition from beliefs to facts, knowledge, and logic.

Study, research, learn the terminology, and know the meaning of the words you are using.

Ignoring facts is causing big suffering. So, get out of your belief bubble and accept the reality which is outside of your immediate environment.
This would finally help raise the collective consciousness and we could move on and bring this behind us.

Nikola Tesla said, “ If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration. “

Stay in the field of love.

Please, read also my other article about the 432Hz myth.

Konstantin Jagoulis

Kosma Solarius portrait

The 432 Hz tuning explained…

There is a frequency hype going on for some time, which is rooted in a total misunderstanding of the meaning of “tuning”.

You can read all over the internet articles about “healing” frequencies or frequencies, which are supposed to activate chakras, pineal gland and even god sounds. There are countless videos on YouTube promising all sorts of advantages by listening to their mystical frequencies.

432 Hz is one of these celebrated tuning frequencies and they say it would be an ancient tuning or even the vibration of the universe.
This is all nonsense and can be very easily explained to anybody.

Meaning of Tuning

First of all, tuning means we bring the keys of a musical scale in a harmonic row. The tuning is defined as an international standard as being an A at 440Hz.
Most instruments you can buy are tuned to this standard and this is very important to have a common standard because if you would hear a band with every instrument being tuned differently, it would sound terrible “out of tune”.

So, what is the meaning of a different tuning besides the standard 440 Hz?
If you have a random frequency and you would like to tune for example a guitar to this frequency, you must know the so-called “master tuning” and there are simple calculations, how to find out this master tuning.

In the case of the 432 Hz tuning, there is a tone frequency where this tuning comes from and this frequency is the 32nd octave of the Earth Year orbit around the sun. By the use of the octave (multiply by 2) we can translate any recurring event into the audible range of human hearing.
The Earth Year frequency in the 32nd octave is a C# at 136.102 Hz.
If you want to tune now the mentioned guitar to this C#, the resulting tuning frequency is 432.098 Hz.

The natural law of the Cosmic Octave calculation was discovered in 1978 by the Swiss mathematician and musicologist Hans Cousto as the link between different kinds of periodically recurring natural phenomena, such as the planet or moon orbits, the weather, colour (light waves), rhythms and tones.

For example the first-ever Cosmic Octave calculation.

The octave-tone of the rotation of Earth
Earth Rotation Period

The period of the rotation of Earth around its own axis when the Sun is high in the south until it is high again the next day.
1 day (24 hours . 60 minutes . 60 seconds = 86 400 seconds).

Earth Rotation Frequency

1 : 86 400 seconds = 0.000 011 574 Hz
(Hz = Hertz = cycle per second)

Earth Rotation Frequency

0.000 011 574 Hz x 224 = 194.18 Hz
(224 means 24-fold doubling).

Calculations solved with the  Icosmo calculator:
Earth Year Tuning Data
Earth Year orbital frequency tuning data.

You can find the comprehensive information about the cosmic-octave tuning on the website

These “mystical” frequencies are often a result of numerologist coming up with an interesting number and they add a Hz (Hertz) behind this number. It’s like putting a label “BANANA” on an apple.
If one wants just to play around with numbers and randomly experience a number as a frequency than there is nothing wrong with that. It is wrong, if this meaningless number suddenly gets an interpretation and artificial meanings, so a fake myth can be started.

To experience a natural frequency by tuning an instrument to it is a wonderful and interesting thing to do. There is no need for myths and pseudo-spiritual nonsense, so this frequency is becoming a holy grail of some sort.

It is beautiful enough to be the audible translation of our planet’s movement around the sun. Of course, we can translate any recurring events into audible frequencies and find their accurate tunings.

Nothing mystical and simple mathematics.

Historical facts

There are many articles to find on the internet and mostly they don’t include the final resolving information, about the real origin and meaning of the 432 Hz tuning.

Following article is a very comprehensive collection of historical facts and it debunks the myth pretty well, but the author of this article missed to mention the resolving truth about the origin of this tuning, which triggered me to write this article here.

Article on


Gongs & Tree in Iibza

In the following article, I am explaining the issue about loud gong playing, some historical facts and how it should be done properly.

Since some years the gong meditations are getting more and more famous all around the globe. I am a gong master my self and I play a set of 6 symphonic gongs from the German manufacturer PAiSTe.

In 2001 I started to tune my own music productions based on the cosmic octave tuning, which is also the tuning of the so-called planet gongs. For about 15 years now I am deeply into that matter and researching the nature and effects of these natural frequencies. Because I am also a musician, my approach is holistic to the entire issue and I am writing this blog entry to put out the word about the right and wrong way of playing the gong.

Historical Background

In the Kundalini scene, it is very common now to use the gong and these people follow the way of Yogi Bhajan who introduced the gong and now everybody believes this way of playing the so-called “pink/white noise” is good and correct.


In fact, it is the opposite! White noise is the loudest sound a gong can produce and it is important to understand, that the symphonic gongs are the instruments with the widest sound spectrum of all instruments. They cover the entire audible spectrum and even blow and above.

It is common knowledge, that it is very harmful to the health to be exposed to very loud sound for a long period. So, it is clear, that the white noise of a gong is very dangerous and can harm the people who listen to this.


In my gong meditations, I have regular people coming who report their terrible experiences with this white noise gong sounds at a kundalini session and they reporting of covering their ears or even running away after some moments being exposed to this loud noise. It is frightening and on a cellular level, it is stressing every single cell and therefore also the mind and spirit. There is nothing good to it and I find it important to tell the world and make them understand, that they are on the wrong path.

The Inventor

Jens Zygar is a world-famous gong master and he is the inventor of the planet gongs. It was his initial idea to tune gongs to the planet orbital frequencies, based on the Cosmic Octave calculations of his friend, the Swiss mathematician Hans Cousto. Jens is offering gong training ( and teaching people the correct way, how to play the gong. I am very close friends with Jens since 2001 and I have learned everything about the gong playing from him.

We call it “The Soft Manner” and the decades of experiences by playing the gongs, Jens has developed this fantastic way of playing the gongs.

I would like to recommend anybody who is playing for himself and especially to everybody who is playing for other people, to attend one of the gong training by Jens Zygar and learn the proper way.

There are many experiences, collected by Jens during the past decades and his knowledge exceeds by far what others pretend to know and even teach. I don’t wanna name those pseudo-teachers, but there are very famous ones out there and what they teach people about how to play the gong, is simply wrong and even bad.

If somebody wants to learn how to play an instrument a proper way, usually we look to find a good teacher and learn it. For every instrument is a proper way how to play it and so it is with the gongs too.

Open Your Mind!

I could report of many personal experiences which support what I am writing about here, but I like to recommend you to experience the difference by your self before you judge or deny this.

To me it is impossible to listen to most of the gong recordings and videos out there on the internet because after some seconds of listening to that wild playing of the most self-announced gong masters, I must switch it off and protect my self from this insane noise.

As I mentioned, I am a musician and I am very sensitive to music and harmony. If I wouldn’t know Jens and his way of playing the gong, I would have never bought a gong or even thought about ever playing one.

I travel the world with my gongs and have played for some thousand people already and I keep getting this feedback from people which attended a kundalini white noise gong session, who are all basically telling me the big difference and how thankful they are for the experience of hearing the soft manner.

Sure, we all want the best for the visitors of our gong sessions and four our selves. Therefore I suggest to all of you to open your minds, forget what you have told before and look at this from the new perspective.

The gongs have to be played in waves, soft and smooth. There can be some peaks in amplitudes, but only for a short while.
Long periods of loud noise is medically an attack to the holistic health of any living creature.

I hope this article will help to raise the awareness for this issue.
Thank You.

Konstantin Jagoulis (gong master)

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